Using AI To Improve Transport

bus with wally the blue octopus

The Genysys Engine Transport Agent.

Our AI transport assistant goes beyond basic functionality. It leverages a comprehensive understanding of passengers onboard and the surrounding environment to optimise user experience, accessibility, and security on public transport. This translates to a smoother journey for passengers, improved inclusivity, and a heightened sense of safety for everyone involved.

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plane for transport agent

The Transport Agent Enables:

Genysys Engine's transport agent has many benefits, we have listed a view of them below.

Improved User Experience

The agent understands passenger needs and can optimise their journey in a number of ways. This might involve providing real-time route updates to avoid delays, or suggesting the most convenient boarding areas and transfers.

Enhanced Accessibility

The system can cater to passengers with different abilities by providing things like audio announcements for visually impaired passengers, or offering guidance on using elevators and ramps for those with mobility limitations.

Heightened Safety

The AI agent can monitor activity on board and around the vehicle to detect potential risks. This might involve alerting authorities if there are any security concerns, or notifying the driver of sudden obstacles on the road.

Why Partner With Genysys Engine

There are many great reasons to build your transport agent with Genysys Engine, but here are just a few.

Unique Technology

The Engine that powers our agents and assistants is completely unique to Genysys Engine. The Engine delivers you better performance, practical use cases and lower cost.

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Connected Network

Genysys Engine assistants are scalable and can live within a connected ecosystem allowing them to leverage each others functionality and context for better results.

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Genysys Engine and our assistants are a perpetual system that get better over time. They learn, grow and adapt with your business.

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More Assistants From Genysys Engine

Each of these agents can be personalised to your business requirments.

Transport Agent

Our transport agent leverages a comprehensive understanding of passengers onboard and the surrounding environment to optimise user experience, accessibility, and security.

Learn More: Transport agent

Squirrel Agent

Our squirrel agent excels at monitoring and identifying squirrel populations to protect the UK's red squirrel population.

Learn More: squirrel agent

Botanical Agent

Our botanical agent is a revolutionary tool for optimising plant growth across various environments. This versatile solution can be deployed in smart cities, farms, or even your home.

Learn More: Botanical agent

3D Printing Agent

Our 3D printing agent empowers anyone to embrace the possibilities of additive manufacturing. This user-friendly AI assistant simplifies the entire 3D printing process.

Learn More: 3d printing agent

Digital Display Agent

Genysys Engine takes digital signage to the next level. Our AI capabilities enable real-time content updates on digital displays, such as billboards, tailoring the information presented to the specific audience viewing it.

Learn More: digital display agent

Cash Up Agent

Our agent revolutionises cash management in bars and restaurants. This innovative solution empowers businesses to expedite and enhance the cash closing process, eliminating the need for dedicated till agents.

Learn More: Cash Up Agent

Wally The Website Assistant

Wally, empowers you to create and manage a website that reflects your brand and drives results.

Learn More: Wally

Engine Room

Engine Room is a comprehensive suite of digital tools specifically designed for designers, marketers, and developers.

Learn More: Engine Room