genysys engine faq form to add them to your website

What Is A FAQ?

A Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) provides information on frequent queries and concerns in a quick and easy format for the user to read and understand. FAQ's have become and important component in website design, they are usually displayed in a list fromat and often used in articles, websites, email lists and online forms. The purpose is to save both your business and your website users time. Website users have come to expect FAQ and they may judge the quality of your business based on whether these are present on your website or not.

How It Works

Add and manage FAQ for your website in 3 easy steps:

Step 1

Fill out our Q&A form to tell us your question, answer and the category it is associated with.

Step 2

Tell us when you would like your question or questions added to your website.

Step 3

Our development team will position these on your website for you to achieve the best results.

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Topics To Cover

Below are a few suggestions of topics you can include in your FAQ sections.

Company Information:

Tell your users about your company background, values, mission and core values.

Contact Options:

Tell your customer how they can contact your team, who they should contact and how long they should wait for a response.

Operating Hours & Location:

Tell your customer where you are based, your operating hours and service locations.

Product Queries:

Answer common questions you get asked about your product or service including sizing, compatibility, requirements etc.

Order management:

Answer your customers queries on how they can find, edit and cancel their order.

Shipping Policy:

Tell your customers how much it will cost, who is shipping their order and when it will arrive.


ell your customer how they can pay and what your payment terms include.

Returns Policy:

Tell your customers how they can return their product and in what time frame.